People who make a booking or become a member We provide many services, such as ticket bookings and membership both online and in person at NYMR, as well as group bookings, education bookings, diner bookings and other ad hoc events and services. We also have an online shop. Some parts of our booking and membership services may require personal information, such as name, contact details, food allergies and/or payment details for us to be able to provide the service to you. We only ask for relevant information and never store any payment details. Your information is not used, stored or shared with any third parties. For those visitors and members who voluntarily Gift Aid, the donor’s name and address are submitted securely to HMRC and need to be retained in line with HMRC’s requirements. Our sales and booking system is provided by K3 MStore. You may, of course, purchase a ticket (or tickets) for certain services in person without supplying the aforementioned personal data. Manage Cookie Preferences