This is the page for our 2022 Extraordinary General Meeting. It contains downloadable documents for you to read offline and details of how to join our virtual EGM.

Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the North York Moors Historical Railway Trust Ltd. will be held in the Kirk Theatre, Hungate, Pickering, YO18 7DL at 10:00 am on Thursday 31st March 2022.

The 'Agenda & Supporting Information' booklet details the agenda and describes how you can participate in the voting.

There are three important items of business on the Agenda:

  1. A proposal to change the name of the Charity to 'North Yorkshire Moors Railway Trust'.
  2. A proposal to adopt updated Articles of Association.
  3. The election of Trustees, which, as we have done for some time, will be the subject of a prior Members’ Postal Vote.

Your Trustees believe that, although restrictions on indoor gatherings are being relaxed, we should encourage members to participate without the need to attend the meeting in person. For the Trustee elections this is facilitated by the Members’ Postal Vote. For the vote on the name change and the new Articles, members can help reduce the numbers physically present by appointing the Chairman of the Meeting as their proxy to vote in accordance with their individual instructions.

We are also aiming to live stream the meeting for those who would like to watch and listen on-line, a recording will also be available afterwards.


EGM Agenda & Supporting Information Booklet

Articles of Association Booklet

EGM Live Stream - Watch Live 31 March 10:00

Image: Colin Hugill