Our Work Blog MPD Engineering Blog - June 2022 Here is your June update from the Grosmont Motive Power Department, Nick Simpson MPD Manager, runs through what's been going on with Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU), Daisy. An unsung hero recently has been Daisy DMU, the unit has not only stepped into service during the recently hot weather that has seen the NYMR operate with Firecon, the footplate department have also used its running to train and refresh our drivers. However the period of its need to be running has come to an end, with both No. 825 and No. 76079 entering service and as the railway generally gets busier, more seats are needed for our passengers, this brings its mileage to a close, therefore the DMU has been split into three cars so that servicing and repairs can be undertaken. Each car has been or will be shunted over 5 road pit so this work can begin by our diesel department. Work for each of the power cars has seen, engine and level checks, refuelling and battery exams, so the whole unit will be ready to go in to service once again. On car No. 101685 a wire conduit has been replaced that had given the last of its service to Daisy, this task as part of the conduit removal for replacement, involved soldering wires and connectors. All cars underframes have had an examination and it was seen fit to take the time while the unit is on maintenance to replace some of the various drive belts. Other work has included gearbox level exams, shaft security checks, final drive oil replenishment and the radiators have been blown clear with compressed air to make sure the cooling systems are performing well. Finally each car will be greased (work not quiet complete at time of writing) and each of the vestibule ends and exhaust stacks examined, as this is easier when the cars are split. Work will finally see the unit coupled together, reconnections made for air, vacuum and electrical systems and then Daisy will be ready for traffic once more as the railway needs and calls on. This maintenance has been performed around the washouts of steam locomotives, at the back of 5 road pit so needs a bit of careful planning and shunting to make sure the locomotives come out of the shed in the right order. Thanks for your time, Nick Simpson,Motive Power Department Manager See the Previous Entry or find out more about Volunteering at the NYMR. Manage Cookie Preferences