
Path to main entrance

  • From the street to the main entrance, there is level access.
  • There is a permanent ramp.
  • The path is 1000mm wide, or more.
  • The path is sloped.

Main entrance

  • The main entrance has level access.
  • There is a permanent ramp.
  • There is a gentle slope in front of the main Whitby Station building leading to the wide archway which leads to the platform. The archway is over 2000mm. This pathway passes the ticket office.

    There is a cafe situated within the station building which has level access but no accessible toilets.

    There is an alternative entrance with steps to the right hand side of the building with handrails.

Gentle slope leading to Ticket Office and station platform.

Gentle slope leading to Ticket Office and station platform.


Archway leading to station platform
Archway leading to station platform.
Privately owned Station Cafe which has level access but no accessible toilet.
Privately owned Station Cafe which has level access but no accessible toilet.